Nearby Clinics
Clinics Found Near Marys Center For Maternal Am
Community Of Hope Health Cente
Location: 0.07 miles from
- 2250 Champlain St. N.W.
Washington, - 20009 - 202-232-9022
- Sliding Scale
Christ House Health Center
Location: 0.27 miles from
- 1717 Columbia Rd. N.W.
Washington, DC - 20009 - (202) 508-0500
- Monday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale
Columbia Road Health Services - Ward 1
Location: 0.30 miles from
- 1660 Columbia Road NW
Washington, DC - 20009 - (202) 469-4699
- Monday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale
La Cli �nica Del Pueblo
Location: 0.43 miles from
- 2831 15th St NW
Washington, DC - 20009 - (202) 462-4788
Clinica Del Pueblo
Location: 0.43 miles from
- 2831 15th St. N.W.
Washington, - 20009 - 202-462-4788
- Sliding Scale
Community Of Hope
Location: 0.50 miles from
- 1413 Girard St. N.W.
Washington, - 20009 - 202-232-7356
- Sliding Scale
Whitman Walker Clinic
Location: 0.61 miles from
- 1407 S. Street N.W.
Washington, DC - 20009 - (202) 745-7000
Upper Cardozo Health Center
Location: 0.63 miles from
- 3020 14th St. N.W.
Washington, -S - 20009 - 202-745-4300
- Sliding Scale
Upper Cardozo Health Center - Ward 1
Location: 0.65 miles from
- 3020 14th Street NW
Washington, DC - 20009 - (202) 469-4699
- Monday 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale
Central Union Mission
Location: 0.74 miles from
- 1631 14th St. N.W.
Washington, -S - 20009 - 202-328-1084
- Sliding Scale