Nearby Clinics
Clinics Found Near Pioneer Valley Free Health Services, Inc.
Caring Health Center Springfield Dental Clinic
Location: 2.23 miles from
- 532 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA - 01108 - (413) 693-1045
- Hours/Horas Mon-Fri / Lunes-Vierne
- Sliding Scale
Caring Health Center - Sumner Springfield
Location: 2.24 miles from
- 532 Sumner Ave.
Springfield, MA - 01108 - (413) 739-1100
- Mon / Lunes
Family Care Medical Center
Location: 2.70 miles from
- 1515 Allen Street
Springfield, MA - 01118 - (413) 783-9114
My Sister's House
Location: 2.96 miles from
- 89 Belmont Ave.
Springfield, MA - 01108 - (413) 733-7891
- Sliding Scale
Clearway Clinic
Location: 3.83 miles from
- 1259 E Columbus Avenue
Springfield , MA - 01105 - (413) 351-0070
- Monday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM|
Caring Health Center- Main Street Springfield
Location: 3.84 miles from
- 1049 Main Street
Springfield, MA - 01103 - (413) 739-1100
- Mon / Lunes
Baystate Health System Mason Square Neighborhood Health Center
Location: 3.87 miles from
- 11 Wilbraham Rd
Springfield, MA - 01109 - (413) 794-3710
Mason Square Neighborhood Health Clinic BHS
Location: 3.87 miles from
- 11 Wilbraham Road
Springfield, MA - 01109 - (413) 794-3710
Baystate Allergy Clinic
Location: 3.95 miles from
- 140 High Street
Springfield, MA - 02330 - (413) 794-2518
- Thursday from 8 a.m.-11 a.m.
- Sliding Scale
Hsh Dental Clinic
Location: 4.39 miles from
- 755 Worthington St
Springfield, MA - 01105 - (413) 732-3069
- Sliding Scale
I have been to this clinic.I needed medical care. This clinic was completely free. The staff was friendly. I waited less than 30 minutes The hours of operation are 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM on Wednesday evenings,