Anonymous on Monday, June 29, 2020( 0 votes ) I work at a restaurant/ club, in food and beverage. Recently a staff member tested positive, as well as the f&b manager who had contact with the guy. I have prexhisting heart conditions, my job requires a test, yet can�t get anyone to test without symptoms. Please help.
Anonymous on Monday, March 16, 2020( 0 votes ) I will be 65 in Aug and have multiple health issues that I am treated for. Friday night I started running a low grade fever 99.9 Friday night the 13th. It seems to go away during the day, then comes back in the evening. I have been feeling ok during the day but today(Monday) I feel worse and my cough is worse today. I haven�t traveled anywhere and have been staying at home for a week.
Anonymous on Saturday, November 9, 2019( 0 votes ) I noticed a few months ago different symptoms on my body the ER treated me for body ring worm it still hasn't gone away and my symptoms look more like that of syphilis
Anonymous on Saturday, November 9, 2019( 0 votes ) I noticed a few months ago different symptoms on my body the ER treated me for body ring worm it still hasn't gone away and my symptoms look more like that of syphilis