Nearby Clinics
Clinics Found Near Vivent Health Green Bay - Free Care for the HIV Community
N.E.W. South Monroe Dental Clinic
Location: 0.22 miles from
- 424 S Monroe Ave
Green Bay, WI - 54301 - (920) 437-7206
- Monday 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale
N.E.W. Community Clinic
Location: 0.64 miles from
- 622 Bodart St.
Green Bay, WI - 54301 - 920-437-9773
- Sliding Scale
Golden House - Family Violence Center
Location: 0.67 miles from
- 22 Bodart
Green Bay, WI - 54301 - (920) 437-9773
- Sliding Scale
Brown County Oral Health Partnership
Location: 0.79 miles from
- 331 N. Broadway
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - (920)965-0831
New Community Shelter
Location: 1.00 miles from
- 301 Mather St.
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - 920-432-3766
- Sliding Scale
N.E.W. Community Clinic - North Broadway
Location: 1.01 miles from
- 610 N Broadway
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - (920) 437-7206
- Monday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale
The Salvation Army
Location: 1.24 miles from
- 626 Union Ct.
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - 920-497-7053
- Sliding Scale
Outreach Healthcare Clinic
Location: 1.28 miles from
- 879 Mather St.
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - 920-437-7206
- Sliding Scale
Alliance Women's Clinic in Racine
Location: 1.58 miles from
- 1515 S Green Bay Rd,
Mt Pleasant, WI - 53406 - (262) 355-8020
- Monday 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM|
House Of Hope
Location: 2.71 miles from
- 1660 Christiana St.
Green Bay, WI - 54303 - (920) 884-6740
- Monday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM|
- Sliding Scale